Mar 3, 2023

Home organzing

May 21, 2010

when replacing old elastic or tape

with new one in an outfit , tie the new one to the old one and pull through the band till the end of the new one comes out ,tie up the ends of the new ones.

if you are suffering from cough

mix equal quantities of basil juice,honey and caraway (ajwain) juice and drink on empty stomach

a few basil leaves added to your bath

water for 10 minutes before you bathe will leave your skin free of any minor rash , especially during monsoon

for immediate relief from toothache

take 2 basil leaves ,a grain of salt and a pinch of pepper powder and press against the affected tooth

basil leaves

have amazing medicinal properties , try to eat 2 basil leaves early in the morning everyday.

after extracting butter from milk

cream add a little curd to the residue and will get soft paneer which is nutritious .

to remove mud stains

from clothes, rub the affected area with potato stock and wash with water.

soak you silver articles

in tamarind water for 30 minutes and wash off with fresh water ,if you want them shine like new

if you want soft skin

mix 2 table spoons of neem powder and turmeric powder with rose water and apply it on your face twice a week

to prevent silver fish

from attacking your clothes , keep a few kalonji seeds tied in a muslin cloth in your cupboard

are you suffering from a nagging cough

or chest congestion ? boil 2 cups water with 2 fresh betel leaves and four crushed peppercorns, till the water reduced to the half , strain and drink it every morning and night with a tea spoon of honey added to it

place cotton wool swabs

dipped in cold milk on closed eyes to soothe the eyes and remove dark circles

massage your lips

with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy results

vinegar is

an excellent cleanser for glassware

stop nose bleeds

by putting a few drops of pomegranate juice into nostrils

don't panic if wada batter

has become watery, just freeze it for 10 to 15 minutes and fry crispy wadas.

May 6, 2010

to rid your carpet of the smell of vomit

rub the area gently with club soda.

if a garment has shrunk

soak it for at least half an hour in warm water to which some shampoo has been added.this will soften the fabric sufficiently for you to reshape it.

after washing your infant's clothes

soak them in salt water for 15 to 20 minutes before spreading them to dry , all the baby odours will disappear.

while washing crockery

add a little salt to the washing powder.the crockery will shine like new.

if you find your coffee bitter

add a pinch of salt to it , not sugar.

before frying wadas

add 2 table spoons of curd to it.the wadas will not soak in much oil and will be soft

salt will not become damp

and biscuits will remain crisp if the bottom of the container is lined with blotting paper.

silver ware that always turns black

will retain its shine if boiled for a few minutes in water to which a little soap powder and turmeric powder has been added.

for setting curds faster

during winter months , sprinkle a few red chilli seeds after adding a teaspoon of curds to lukewarm milk.

use your potato peeler

to grate cheese or chocolate to make chocolate curls.

if you want to bake a cake in hurry

just mix all the ingredients together with a level table spoon of lemon beating is required .this cake will be as good and fluffy as you beat it well.

raw mangoes can be preserved

for a couple of days if stored immersed in water.change the water everyday.the mangoes will not soften.

pour hot water on small pieces of toilet soap

and add a little washing soda to it. immerse your bath towels into the liquid for an hour and then wash.the towels will be as clean as new.

wipe your window grills

with a cloth dipped in kerosene to keep away cobwebs.

to remove hair dye stains

from garments , dip the stained portion in water.remove from water and apply a little warm glycerine.rub it with a brush and wash well.the stain will disappear.

hair care

give yourself a ruddy salon treatment with herbal henna.boil one grated beetroot along with 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds and a little water.stain the mixture and add it to the henna paste.keep it overnight.
five minutes before applying the paste add a teaspoon of vinegar or lime juice ,apply the paste to your hair and keep for 4 hours and wash with cold water with out using any soap or shampoo.
shampoo the hair only after 24 hours if you want.

instead of using nepthalene balls

while storing woolen garments , put layers of neem leaves between the cloths.this will prevent the cloths from getting stained and is cheaper also

to remove hot water stains

from polished tables,make a thin paste of salad oil and salt.apply a little on the marks and allow to stand for an hour.rub well with a soft duster.

May 5, 2010

a better utilisation of leftover

boiled potatoes would be to dice them and put them in a little oil with mustard powder , salt and chilli powder.keep makes a tasty veg pickles.

for making soft puris

and chapatis , add a little curd (not very sour) while mixing the dough . always keep the dough covered with a wet cloth ,otherwise it will get dry.

less oil will be consumed

while deep frying , if you add half a tea spoon of salt to it.

caramel pudding will taste richer

if you add a little custard powder to the egg and milk mixture.

cloths which have turned yellow

will turnout whiter if you rinse them in water to which a teaspoon of kerosene has been added.

Before you start painting a room

or the exterior of a house , rub baby oil over your hands, face and feet which are likely to get splashed with paint. The paint will come off easily because of the oil.

In order to remove tea,coffee or iodine stains

dip the stained area in a solution of hot water and borax.see that you do not dip entire cloth into it, otherwise the iodine may spread to the rest of the garment.After sometime remove the cloth,wring it out and dry it in the sun.

vegetables will remain fresh

for a long time if soaked for about 10 minutes in cold water to which a few teaspoons of vinegar have been added.

Sep 12, 2008

to make chocolate leaves

melt a little milk chocolate in a bowl over a double boiler or in a microwave.using small brush,smear the chocolate on to the dull side of fresh,clean rose leaves,leave in a cool place to harden and then carefully peel away the real leaf

an omelette packed

with vegetables is good for a nibble and nutritious too

keep a record of everything

you buy and review it every month,if you discover that you are not using many of things you are buying ,you can resist impulse purchase the next time

bread crumbs will stick better

to meat or fish if you chill them for 20 minutes before frying

your shoes will super shine

dab some aftershave lotion on your shoes and rub them lightly

rats will flee

if you place a ball of cotton soaked in peppermint oil near a rat hole

to clean porcelain vases

scrub them with a brush dipped in salted water